We will be releasing Baruwa Enterprise Edition version 2.0.7 on Monday 23rd March 2015.
This release introduces MTA settings management functionality within the web interface. Prior to this release MTA settings had to be managed by editing text files.
The article is part of a series introducing the features available in Baruwa Enterprise Edition release 2.0.7. To read the other articles in this series go to https://www.baruwa.org/blog/category/2.0.7/
MTA Settings in Baruwa are used to Manage the following lists
The Empty Reply Checks Exemptions list is used to exempt an IP address from Empty Reply Checks, Empty Reply checks block email messages that have an empty Repy-To: header set.
The Subject Block list is used to reject obvious spam based on the subject at SMTP time. Regular expressions can be used in the form of ^\Nregexp\N$, e.g ^\N.*viagra.*\N will match 'viagra', 'v1agra', 'v-i-a-g-r-a', etc.
The Anti-Virus Checks Exemptions list is used to exempt IP Addresses from Anti-Virus checks, only use this for hosts you trust with your life.
The System Signature Exemptions list is used to exempt IP Addresses from global signature additions.
The Ratelimit Exemptions list is used to exempt IP Addresses from rate limiting.
The TLS/SSL Exemptions list is used to exempt IP Addresses from the requirement to use TLS/SSL.
The Anonymizer List for domains whose email messages you would like to anonymize by removing the Received headers.
The DKIM Checks Exemptions for IP addresses you want to exempt from DKIM verification checks.
The DNSBL Checks Exemptions for IP addresses you want to exempt from DNSBL/RBL checks.