BaruwaOS 6.10 released

July 23, 2018 at 03:30 PM | categories: Baruwa, Releases, 6.10, 2.1.8, Baruwa Enterprise, BaruwaOS, Baruwa 2.0

Today we are issuing Baruwa Enterprise Edition release -- BaruwaOS 6.10

Features roundup

The new features introduced in this release are covered in the release notes.

Release Notes

The new features, depreciations and known issues are documented in the release notes


Baruwa Enterprise Edition >= 2.0.7 users can update using the baruwa-setup command, please read the release notes and the changelog as well as the upgrading sections of the documentation prior to updating.

Users of Baruwa Enterprise Edition versions < 2.0.7 contact support as a manual upgrade is required.


As always 8x5 email support is available to all Enterprise Edition customers, should you run into any issues feel free to email support.


The new ISO images are available to download at