Baruwa Community Edition is no longer maintained, try the Enterprise Edition free for 30 days.

MailScanner rpm packages updated

June 04, 2012 at 07:30 AM | categories: MailScanner, Centos, repo, RHEL, RPM, Releases

I have just pushed to the Baruwa repo, updated MailScanner packages. The rpm's for EL-5 and EL-6 have been updated to 4.84.5-2 which is the latest upstream release and include fixes backported from the git repo. You should be able to upgrade using: yum upgrade mailscanner Feedback and support Please provide feedback via the usual channels,... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa Precise Pangolin packages now available

April 28, 2012 at 06:30 PM | categories: Precise, "PrecisePangolin", Baruwa, Releases, Pangolin, Ubuntu

I have just pushed to the Baruwa apt repo - Baruwa packages for Ubuntu Precise Pangolin, as well as the following dependency packages mailscanner 4.84.3 Note Ubuntu Precise Pangolin does not ship mailscanner packages so users of Ubuntu Precise Pangolin who do not use baruwa can also use this repo to access the mailscanner deb package.... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa Centos 5.x puppet installation Howto

March 07, 2012 at 12:44 PM | categories: Baruwa, Puppet, Releases

I have received several queries on how to use the puppet toaster to automate the Baruwa installation on Centos 5.x This post should guide you on how to do it. Baruwa Repo EPEL Repo Install the above repos: rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh If you have other repo's like the RPMForge repo... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa automated installation with puppet

December 10, 2011 at 02:55 PM | categories: Baruwa, Puppet, Releases

I have today open sourced and released a Baruwa puppet tooster on github. The tooster can be used to run a fully automated puppet based installation and configuration of Baruwa on Centos 5. All you do it set a few configuration variables, and run one command go get a cup of tea, and return to you shiny new system.... Read the rest of this post

Upcoming Baruwa 2.0 screenshots preview

November 04, 2011 at 10:43 AM | categories: Screenshots, Baruwa 2.0

Baruwa 2.0 the ground up rebuild of Baruwa is partially usable now, to give you a taste of what is to come i have provided some screenshots. ... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa vs Mailwatch - a feature comparison

October 24, 2011 at 10:55 AM | categories: Baruwa, Mailwatch, FUD

This article describes the discontinued community edition, for the enterprise edition features refer to enterprise edition features The Baruwa Google analytics indicates lots of searches for Baruwa vs Mailwatch, and given the FUD that keeps making the rounds of how Baruwa does not have lots of options that Mailwatch has. i have decided to put the facts out there... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa 1.1.1 RHEL/SL/Centos RPM's released

October 22, 2011 at 09:02 AM | categories: Repo, EL, Baruwa, Releases

Baruwa 1.1.1 packages are now available at, please test these packages in a test environment before upgrading your production environments. As always, use the list to report any issues or provide feedback ... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa 1.1.1 Debian/Ubuntu packages released

October 22, 2011 at 08:58 AM | categories: repo, Debian, Releases, Ubuntu

Baruwa 1.1.1 packages are now available at, please test these packages in a test environment before upgrading your production environments. As always, use the list to report any issues or provide feedback ... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa 1.1.1 released

October 20, 2011 at 03:04 PM | categories: Baruwa, Releases

Hi All, I am pleased to announce the release of Baruwa 1.1.1. This is a maintenance release that includes mostly bug fix's and a few new features. This is a source only release, binary packages for various Linux distributions will be released at a later stage. FEATURE: issue #27 FEATURE: Email signatures management FEATURE: Support unicode subject in... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa Oneiric Ocelot packages now available

October 11, 2011 at 08:52 AM | categories: Baruwa, Oneiric, Releases, Ubuntu

I have just pushed to the Baruwa apt repo - Baruwa packages for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot, as well as the following dependency packages mailscanner 4.84.3 python-celery 2.2.7 python-django-celery 2.2.4 Note Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot does not ship mailscanner packages so users of Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot who do not use baruwa can also use this repo to access... Read the rest of this post