Baruwa vs Mailwatch - a feature comparison update

April 26, 2013 at 07:55 AM | categories: Baruwa, Mailwatch, FUD, Baruwa 2.0

This article describes the discontinued community edition, for the enterprise edition features refer to enterprise edition features Almost 2 years since the initial feature comparison, Baruwa has been further enhanced thus the need for this updated post. Feature Mailwatch Baruwa 1.x Baruwa 2.x Realtime Full text search engine... Read the rest of this post

Baruwa vs Mailwatch - a feature comparison

October 24, 2011 at 10:55 AM | categories: Baruwa, Mailwatch, FUD

This article describes the discontinued community edition, for the enterprise edition features refer to enterprise edition features The Baruwa Google analytics indicates lots of searches for Baruwa vs Mailwatch, and given the FUD that keeps making the rounds of how Baruwa does not have lots of options that Mailwatch has. i have decided to put the facts out there... Read the rest of this post